Case Studies
Case #1
This practice was concerned that all their claims were not being billed and that resulted in low and inconsistent revenues. MedPro took over in 2015 and increased revenues by 25% over a 6 month period. Now they are able to weather the normal ebb and flow of patient volume knowing their revenues will be strong and consistent
Case #2
This practice serves primarily low income families, so for years the only insurance they were contracted with was Medicaid. MedPro took over their billing and increased their revenues from Medicaid alone by 29%. After recommending commercial insurances that would benefit their practice and providing credentialing services, MedPro increased their total revenues from insurance over 400% compared to their revenues from Medicaid alone
Case #3
This was a new practice, that had split from a larger group. After the first year, they realized their revenues were low for the volume of patients they were seeing. When MedPro started billing for them, revenues improved and over the first six months they saw an increase of 43%. Even though this specialty has seasonal fluctuations in patient volume, their revenues are staying consistent due to the efficient billing system that is now in place